By <$BlogCommentAuthor$>, at <$BlogCommentDateTime$> <$BlogCommentDeleteIcon$>
more like a blog post , but heck .
serene: when taggers didnt write they're names, you say they're coward sitting behind the computer whatever else, now when i write my name, you didn't believe, so i might as well not write my name. google me
serene: if you wanna know if i exist or not girl. you're childish sister is definitely old since she has a license. oh, i've seen her blogshop, and i think the lothes kinda suck thou. well i'm just stating a
- There are MANY MANY people called 'serene' in this world can , even my class got one serene .
so google you ? fat hope .
why would i want to care if you exist ? ur nonexistance would have been gladly appreciated .
and so what if my sister can drive , thats her problem alright .
serene: a fact about spammers will stop replying. well if you were to stop bothering them or laugh together with them, they'll definitely have lost of words to say bout you. use your eq please.
- " if you were to stop bothering them " wtf is wrong with you ? spammers , for example YOU .
BOTHERED ME FIRST . so if you dint come and tag , you think i would go extra find a person called SERENE to come tag ? and for ur info , eq is Emotional Quotient . WHAT DOES EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT HAVE TO DO WITH THIS .
serene: i can tell that people really do hate you alot.
- dont worry , i have my own friends . i dont need those haters to be friends with me .
.: to my little shuting baby, ALL OF MY TAGS WEREN'T REFERRING TO YOU !! Can you please stop thinking so highly of yourself and don't freaking try to get my attention when you just fail miserably pls !
- LOL , shuting baby ? you make me sick .
.: Damn and i think you and this Charlene have extremely low IQ.. it doesn't need one to say "OH I WANT MAKE MY BLOG FAMOUS BY USING THIS LITTLE DOT TO DO IT" to say that !! dont understand english ???
- LOL . I DONT NEED MY BLOG TO BE FAMOUS . i dont want you esp to make it famous . its way to demeaning .
WO BU XI HAN , get it ?
.: i AM definitely older than you brats, but its not MUCH older fcukfaces.. You are her friend ! of course u won't think that she is so BHB who only know how to think HIGHLY of herself.. YOU KNOW WHAT ?
- bitch . who are you to call us brats , our mums uh ? i think that some of my friends are BHB and i say it straight to them . JoshuaKOH can always vouch for me , i've been saying that he's bhb since forever .
.: Birds of the same feather flock tgt.. you and this charlene ****face is a totally real life example pls.. hahahahaha.
- LOL . "you and this charlene ****face is a totally real life example " failed english i guess .
.: everyone has people that cares for them, nub fcukface number 2.. dont try to be lame by using this to counter which obviously doesnt make any sense ! think and assume are the same ?? your eng really
.: is fail until very very pitiful then. ASSUME is to take to be true without proof.. just like what Charlene did when she proclaims that i am dunno what fck Mandy and the insertname ??
1.to take for granted or without proof; suppose; postulate; posit: to assume that everyone wants peace.
2.to take upon oneself; undertake: to assume an obligation.
3.to take over the duties or responsibilities of: to assume the office of treasurer.
4.to take on (a particular character, quality, mode of life, etc.); adopt: He assumed the style of an aggressive go-getter.
5.to take on; be invested or endowed with: The situation assumed a threatening character.
6.to pretend to have or be; feign: to assume a humble manner.
7.to appropriate or arrogate; seize; usurp: to assume a right to oneself; to assume control.
8.to take upon oneself (the debts or obligations of another).
9.Archaic. to take into relation or association; adopt.
taken from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/assume .
.: and THINK is to consider, to judge and to believe.. Two TOTALLY different things and meaning, but you still can say they're SAME ??? Everyday fcuk until gong liao sibo ??
-ONCE AGAIN I SHOW YOU WHAT THINK MEANS . then you everyday got fcuk so ur cb pain , thats why come do bo liao things right ? im sorry , we have better things to do .
1.to have a conscious mind, to some extent of reasoning, remembering experiences, making rational decisions, etc.
2.to employ one's mind rationally and objectively in evaluating or dealing with a given situation: Think carefully before you begin.
3.to have a certain thing as the subject of one's thoughts: I was thinking about you. We could think of nothing else.
4.to call something to one's conscious mind: I couldn't think of his phone number.
5.to consider something as a possible action, choice, etc.: She thought about cutting her hair.
6.to invent or conceive of something: We thought of a new plan.
7.to have consideration or regard for someone: Think of others first.
8.to esteem a person or thing as indicated: to think badly of someone.
9.to have a belief or opinion as indicated: I think so.
10.(of a device or machine, esp. a computer) to use artificial intelligence to perform an activity analogous to human thought.
.: One more thing, Hello my little Shuting FCUKFACE number 2 !! All of my tags yesterday were ALL DIRECTED TO CHARLENE.. Could you PLEASEEEE dun b so BHB and keep treating my tags like they're directed
.: to you when its even not ! tch tch tch.. give me a name and i dun dare let anybody knows ?? are u trying to kid me ?? i've completed my tertiary study this year and my teachers, my schoolmates and my
.: friends address me by my NAME.. is there a law in don't know which section of Singapore states that people can't use anonymous to tag in cyber world ?? search that out please before u even say i dun
.: dare to expose my name when i've the ultimate rights and freedom to choose what i want.. ^^
- do i care if you finished ur tertiary studies ? we ARENT UR CLASSMATES OR TEACHERS , plus we dont know your name . since you obviously ashamed of letting others know of ur identity . -.-
.: oh my tian please, you are trying to prove to me that your english is a straight F9 sibo ?? there's a idiom call "face the music", now i need to teach you again !!! haizzzz... all sorts of xmm(s) with
.: english and trying to act like they're really really good in it.. face the music is to face the facts/truth , :]].. try to use it in your composition, it will help y'know ?? :]]
- Cant sense sarcasm ? stupid .
.: HAHAHAHA AGAIN AGAIN AND AGAIN.. It doesn't take one to say "hey , im good at fcuking myself , so you should try" in order for me to ask her to show me how to fcuk oneself !!! HAHAHAHA WTF WTF !!!!
- LOL . you should try to answer ur own qn . IF YOU SO HORNY THEN GO FIND PROSTITUE OR GIGGLO LA .
.: you're really such an adorable fcukface y'know, shuting ?? and about the bee and bi , i've already made my stand very clear ! ARE YOU BLIND ?? I said/tagged that if she wants to call alloy as a bee,
.: which is a insect, then so be it ! because he looks like one, as short as one, as buang as one ! and whats more !! every bee will go to different flowers to collect nectar.. so which means as a bee,
.: he flirts with alot of girls cos this is in his traits ! nub fcukface :].. get this into your head and stop trying to say me back with nonsense.. ^^
- You say she say nonsense , you urself saying nonsense . -.-
.: if you guys are pajiao, you shouldn't ask me what should i do.. it should be ME the one who will be asking what you two will do.. you know why one will be pajiao ?? because when they are born they alr
.: have this defact already ~~~ so you SHOULD go and ask ur mother what she had eaten during her pregnancy and not bugging me ~~ as i am not the one who caused your eyes to get pajiao ! :]]]
- did i say we were pajiao ? so what if im myopic by that LITTLE BIT ? i bet its better than yours , cant even see and read your own tag properly . btw , what is DEFACT ? ITS DEFECT YOU NOOBSHIT .
.: wasehh xmm, want show me ahlian is it ??? nowadays you go bugis, go orchard u can see alot alot of ah lians.. its a no need for me to actually find you in order for me to see one because i will be
.: wasting my time to meet you up and in the end meeting up a fugly ah lian.. ^^.. i'm more willing to go to bugis to see if i'm really interested to see one instead of u.. ^^
- dressing like an chao ah lian does not mean you are one alright . never heard of ' never judge a book by its cover ' ?
.: my sentence "so much FUN bickering with you,", my FUN is a super sarcastically FUN and i am really sad that you can't get my point of view.. its okay i can understand as your maturity and IQ levels
.: still awaits ~
- LOL . you were lucky you actually passed ur O's , considering what kind of language you have !
im still laughing at th ' its okay i can understand ' . go understand urself first ! we dont need ur understanding . GAYSHIAT .
.: exactly, i totally agree to what serene said.. if you (CHARLENE) dont tag at simin's blog and ask me to come entertain you, do you even think i'll be tagging ur blog now ?? HAHAHAHAHA
- LOL . its obviously because you are trying to kill ur time and find something stupid to do . i dont mind continuing to entertain you . :B
btw , we can always sue you for flaming . (:
in case you are too dumb to know what flaming is , its online verbal abuse .
wynn: Heys, just passing by :)
-replied on ur blog . (:
Bokl: insertname = shaun ko
-you are ? plus how would you know that its him ?
serene: do you girls really have close friends in the first place, you know, girls like you both are just hypocrites.
- hahs . you dont even know our daily lives . unless ure like a freaking cyber stalker .
serene: charlene, you think shooting's a good friend? she gave you a million and one excuse for not putting you at her blog already, use you brain and think deep.
- LOL . its SHUTING . dumb . im not th only one you idiot . plus , she gave me ONE REASON , not a million and one . (:
serene-shooting: i dont have any intentions to make you feel affected at all, but i guess you did afterall and, wteff are you talking about? i have good and better things to talk about but im just playing along with
serene-shooting: you bit.ches.
- we dont need you to come play with us , we get plenty of sports in school . (:
aiyohs , i got no time to play with you guys alr .
if you want me to reply , slowly wait for it . :B
(L) .